Sharon Martin

Sharon Martin


Full Stack/Front-end web developer and creative problem solver with an IT background in the Financial Services Industry. Earned a certificate in Full Stack web development from Sydney University coding Bootcamp. Experienced in the application development process, passionate about delivering solutions and creating positive outcomes. Hard-working and committed to delivery of quality applications, critical thinker, and problem solver with abilities to work within teams and autonomously.

Career Profile

Experienced IT professional who is passionate about building solutions with a background in application development, business systems analysis and managing and leading technical and non-technical teams in the delivery of IT solutions to meet the business outcomes. Facilitating, reviewing, and gathering functional and non-functional requirements, conceptual solution designs, business process mapping and testing strategies. Planning, prioritize and directing the operations of teams in the provision of effective solutions, application development, testing and deployments. Manage resources for the successful completion of projects and changes by ensuring development is in line with agreed architectures and corporate standards.

  • Project & Resource Planning Skills
  • Analytical thinking and problem solving
  • Creative thinking skills



Group project to solve a real world problem using the full stack to showcase the skills we have learned on the Bootcamp.

This application addresses the issue many parents face when trying to teach their children about responsibilty, accountabilty and rewards are earned through hard work and setting goals. The application is essentially a tool a parent can use to set up a list of tasks or chores for the child and allocates a value to the chore. The parent also sets up the child's user access and can set a goal or total reward value. When the child completes the chore they are able to log in and mark the task as done/finished which is when they earn their reward. The child can track the rewards they earn to the goal that has been set up and once they reach the target reward/goal the parents are then able to give the child the treat they earned. The "rewards" are selected by the parents and child, so for example an older child or teenager may elect to earn money while a younger child may want to earn stars/badges etc.

Development Tools:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Handlebars
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • Sequelizer
  • Insomnia - for testing APIs


Using a 3rd party API to collect data, in this case data about the weather for a location you "Search". Save the Searched location for future searches and display the weather details for the current day and also display a five day weather forecast, highlighting the severity of the UV Index

Saved locations are stored in local storage but only the last ten searches are presented back for another Search. Built a button to toggle the display of the forecasted weather and ensured that any city that was entered for Searching was not saved to the top ten Searches again. The solution makes use of the open-weather-api to source its data.

Development Tools:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • 3rd party APIs



In a group define a "real world problem" and then build an application that solves that problem. This assignemt introduced the concept of a "real working environment" where multiple people contributed in a collborative way to the solution.

In this project I assumed the role of the project lead and contributed to the code by building the freshness meter - check it out ! ... we wanted to solve the annoying scenario where you can remember a Lyric or line from a song but cannot recall the title of the song ..... and that is where BANANA_FINDER will help.

Development Tools:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • 3rd party APIs

Contact Details

phone +61-412692585